Saturday, July 28, 2012

Card Share: Footloose

My sweet 11-year-old needed a card for a friend, so she got into my stash, designed, and executed this adorable card.  (She used the Footloose paper pack; For My Friend and Chocolate Alphabet Small stamp sets.)

She then went on to create a card for her Daddy's birthday this past Monday using the Footloose papers again and a multitude of stamp sets.  Isn't she talented?  (Nothing like a proud mama!)

By the way, we attended hubby's annual family reunion recently, and can you believe how much she (the tall blond) looks like her distant cousin on the right?  I believe they are third cousins once removed.  I kept mistaking Hollyn for my daughter! 


  1. Talent and beauty runs in your family! Great job, Miss M...xo

  2. Great cards! And yes, that family resemblance is very strong.


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