Monday, May 19, 2014

H2H Challenges: In the Garden

When I thought about the Heart 2 Heart Challenges "in the garden" theme challenge, I couldn't help but think about the birds in my backyard.  I decided to create an 8"x8" mini album using the CTMH/Cricut Artbooking cartridge and our Kraft mini album.  I grabbed my Skylark paper pack and got my Cricut chirping and cutting.  (I also used the coordinating Artbooking stamp sets.)
The front cover is accented with Gold polka dot washi tape, Lagoon shimmer trim, and the Skylark mini medley assortment.
The first page is a pocket page to hold journaling tags and Cricut embellishments that I made but haven't yet used in the album.
I also used Aqua Dots to embellish the album.
My other embellishments are the Skylark chipboard compliments.

 I threw in a piece of Ariana paper here.

My family gave me a beautiful (squirrel proof) bird feeder for Mother's Day, and here are a few of the visitors who are going to go into this album (and a few of the wildflowers blooming right now):

pink lady slippers

brown thrasher

Eastern trowhee
Be sure to see what the entire H2H design team has created for you in their crafty gardens!


  1. Beautiful! I can't wait to see this one with pictures in place!

  2. Very creative and cute, too. Love those flowers!

  3. I like the owl in the tree - very nature-y instead of Halloween-y.


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