Sunday, June 21, 2015

Camper Crazy Father's Day

Here are two cards that I made to celebrate my Dad and my husband this Father's day.  They both use the Jackson paper pack and the Camper Crazy stamp set.  I used a blending pen to color in accents on each and added a few Ocean sequins.
This first one was for my Dad and included the Tag the Occasion stamps set.
The second is for my husband and included a set of binoculars from the Jackson Assortment.

It has been a great day!  I didn't get any pictures because Hubby is under the weather, but we had a nice day anyway.  Happy Father's Day to all the dad out there and all the men who have stepped up to act as dads should!

I'm linking up both of these to the Heart 2 Heart Man, Oh Man challenge.  Thanks for visiting!


  1. Dad and I both liked his card. How many times have we heard, "Are we there yet?"?! Good memories of FFF!

  2. Fun cards. Great memories camping and going on trips. Thanks for sharing with us at Heart 2 Heart.

  3. Cute cards - I do like those camper stamps. Hope L is feeling better!

  4. Jackson paper is perfect for these cards!


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