Monday, January 21, 2008

Proud Parents!

Both girls brought home their report cards today with top marks. We couldn't be more proud of them! It is such a joy to watch them grow up (or at least it is when they're not aggravating each other!). Of course part of me wants to keep them little forever, but I know that's not possible. They are such a blessing to us!


  1. Way to go girls! We are proud of you too! Give each other a BIG hug so that your mom can remember the "good" times, lol!

    I love the picture, they are so beautiful. Let's just keep them little for a little while longer. :-)

  2. Unky Brian is proud of his girls too! The picture is cute, it almost makes it look like Macey is a sweet innocent thing..... =:)

  3. Congratulations from Aunt Joy to the girls! And I agree, that's a great picture of them. I need to print it and replace the one I have on my filing cabinet which is several years old now. I'm looking forward to seeing you all on Sunday.

  4. From one stalker to another, you are hysterical. It's funny because I check your blog every day to get updates on the family that I never hear about otherwise. Plus I like to check out all your new scrappy creations which are normally stunning. I am humbled by your scrapping greatness, wink!

    Hope all is well, and would you update more often so I have something to read when I come here on my daily stalk... :-)

  5. Grammie & Grumps are smiling mighty big over the girls' accomplishments. Big hugs from us both; we miss all our chitlins...xoxo


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