Monday, February 4, 2008

"Come to the Office Now, Please!"

This is the announcement I hear at the end of the day as the bell is ringing to dismiss the kids. On my way up the hill to the other office, I met Miss A. She didn't have Miss M in tow as usual, so I began to worry a bit and directed her to my room to wait (and not worry about little sis).

There was M in the office with Ms. Connie, with some tissue in her mouth, blotting the gaping hole where her front tooth used to be! Yep, this is the pesky tooth that she broke when she was just 21 months old and has needed work off-and-on since then. At least it had already become loose. Apparently she was bouncing on the bus seat to get an extra-big bounce as the bus went over the speed bump by my school, and she came down mouth first on the seat back in front of her! By the time I arrived, the mess was cleaned up, her shaking had pretty much stopped, and she was showing signs of breaking into a grin.

Can you believe the principal thinks the tooth fairy should be extra good to her since she lost it on the bus, couldn't find it at first (where it had rolled on the floor to the seat behind her), and bled profusely? She had just better hope the tooth fairy comes at all, because her track record with big sis is a bit sketchy.


  1. That tooth fairy had better be good to my girl! She has earned a special treat, after all she has had to endure with that pesky tooth.

  2. She found $5 in the tooth fairy pillow this morning! Talk about a happy girl!

    She also said the reason I only got quarters for mine must be because the tooth fairy was poor then. I guess she (the tooth fairy) has learned about inflation and compound interest!

  3. Hopefully when the permanent tooth comes in, it will have a happy, chipless existance, unlike this poor tooth had. Glad it was nothing worse they were calling you to the office for!

  4. FIVE dollars? Wow, inflation has certainly hit your area of the country, lol! What a lucky girl.

    I love those snagletooth smiles of the awkward years, they bring me such joy!!

    Tell her she looks beeeyouteeefull!


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