Sunday, February 3, 2008

Singing Surprise

This morning at church, not only was Miss A acolyting, but the Choristers were scheduled to sing. Imagine my surprise when Miss M made her solo debut on the first verse of "Go Tell It on the Mountain!" It was so sweet! I had no idea it was coming, either. Sean sang the second verse solo, A soloed on the third, then the three sang the final verse (and all the refrains) together.

This solo was extra special because that is M's all-time favorite Christmas carol. We even used that on our Christmas card several years ago with a manger scene Ansley drew (which I just found & scanned). The girls were 6 & 3 then. We are so blessed.


  1. Oh, I wish I could have heard them. One of these days I will!
    Aunt Joy

  2. Her first solo and I missed it?!!! Oh noooooo...I don't like that, not one bit. I wanna go home!

    Miss M looks sooo cute with her snaggle tooth smile. Glad that pesky tooth is finally out. Give her some sugar from Grammie!...xoxo


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