Saturday, June 14, 2008

Happy Birthday, Dear Daughter!

Happy birthday, dear daughter! It is so hard for me to believe that you are TEN today. My how these past ten years have flown by! Holding you, a not-so-tiny miracle, was the most amazing experience of my life. Getting to watch you grow up into such a sweet young lady makes everything worthwhile. Daddy, your sister, and I love you so very, very much!


  1. Grammie and Grumps send their happy birthday wishes, too!...xoxoxoxoxo

  2. How could it have possibly been ten years since the Sunday I went up to NC to stay w/you and newborn Ansley in the hospital? (Logan went home for a nap and everyone else went to Brian's graduation!) It is hard to believe that Ansley is ten! Extra hugs to the birthday girl from Aunt Joy.


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