Sunday, January 11, 2009

Scrapbooker's Dictionary

By Heather Dewaelsche, from Chicken Soup for the Scrapbooker’s Soul.

Archival Safe: A locked container for scrapbook supplies.

Chocolate: Food for thought.

Crafty: What a woman should be in order to hide scrapbook purchases from her husband.

Creative Juices: Beverages consumed while Scrapbooking.

Crop: (verb) To remove all the dirty dishes, piles of clothes and other household clutter from photos. (noun) A get together where scrapbookers eat, drink, socialize and occasionally complete a page layout.

Die Cut: A Scrapbooking injury caused by a craft knife, scissors or other sharp object.

Enlargement: What needs to be done to every scrapbooker’s workspace.

Homemade: What every scrapbooker needs so they can spend more time Scrapbooking and less time cleaning.

Layout: What photos, papers and embellishments do on a scrapbooker’s table for hours (sometimes days) at a time.

Page Protector: A scrapbooker with young children.

Paper Punch: What a scrapbooker does when she realizes the paper she is using is not true 12 x 12 inches. (see Twelve by Twelve.)

Photo Opportunity: A sale at a camera store.

Precious Moments: Time spent scrapbooking.

Reprints: What’s left behind after little fingers touch your photos over and over again.

Scrapbook Retreat: When you walk away from a scrapbook layout in progress for a period of time so as to better evaluate it upon returning.

Scrapbook Store: What you do with the album you bought just because it looked so cute.

Spray Adhesive: What a scrapbooker should do when she finds a good man who supports her hobby.

Trimmer: What a scrapbooking hobby makes your wallet.

Twelve by Twelve (12 x 12) Inches: Size of paper that is anywhere from 11.75” x 11.75” to 12.25” x 12.25” but rarely 12” x 12”.

Un-Du: An imaginary button you wish you could press when you make a mistake on your scrapbook layout.

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