Friday, January 16, 2009

Way To Go!

This message greeted me in my inbox this morning from a fellow CTMH consultant. (Hey, Katy!)

What? Way to go?!? I could not believe my eyes! I WON A CTMH ARTWORK CONTEST!!!!! I hurriedly clicked on over to, then moused over "Ideas & Training," then scrolled down and clicked Featured Artwork.

Do you see it? Mine's the one on the right there. Feel free to click on it if you'd like.

That's right- FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was my first contest entry, and I won! Besides the fame and glory (LOL), I am also to receive $100 in select CTMH product credit. I can't wait to shop!!!

I am so stoked this morning! What a way to start a long weekend. Oh wait a minute, I better finish getting ready for work at my real job. It is a bitter 8 degrees this morning.


  1. Way to go!!!! I'll be happy to help you shop and spend the money.

  2. Wonderful - very cool for you!

  3. Cool Haley! What an honor. I hope you can find something you want...if not I have a list

    Way to go!

  4. GREAT...I'll ck it out when I'm not paying by the minute:-)...xoxoxoxo

  5. THANK YOU! If I have any trouble with my shopping list, I'll be sure to shout out for help.


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