Tuesday, April 21, 2009


This week is our dreaded CRCT week- Georgia's mandated student testing. It's especially stressful on those of us in 5th grade, because 5th graders must pass the reading and math portions (along w/their report cards) to be promoted to 6th grade. While I'm not worried about my girls' performance, I am worried about some of my students. We've worked hard this year to get them ready though.

Poor Ansley was home sick today w/a fever. She's doing some better, so hopefully she can go to school tomorrow for the math portion and to make up the English sections she missed today. Macey is finished after the math section, but we have science & social studies Th. & Fri.

Ansley has made up some silly names for CRCT week, but our favorite is Torture Week. Bwahahahaha!


  1. I always hated testing of any kind! Glad Miss A is feeling better now...

  2. I don't know anyone who likes CRCT week! Of course, there is no homework during testing, so that is the "bright" side, I guess. Hope Ansley is feeling much better today. I remember when Melissa had chicken pox during the spring testing, I think she was in 2nd grade. Her brother had just had cp, so we knew when she started coming down with it - her teacher put her in isolation in the library conference room and gave her the entire test in one day. Then she missed the rest of the week!


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