Monday, April 6, 2009

Palm Sunday

Yesterday was an absolutely gorgeous day in the mountains! Here the girls posed (and hammed it up) under our weeping cherry tree, which is absolutely spectacular this time of year. (I am worried that tomorrow's frost may zap the blooms, so look for an upcoming post in all its glory.)

Ansley did a great job as assistant acolyte at church. She was a little nervous this first time but things went well. (I haven't shared some of my acolyte mistakes with her yet, but I will. I never got fired or ruined a service so there's hope.)

The camper's almost packed for us to head out today. Too bad snow is expected tonight and tomorrow! Not exactly how we had planned to spend the break, but we'll have fun regardless.

1 comment:

  1. Cutie pies for sure! I hated having to miss serving at the altar with Miss A, but this cold didn't need to be shared.


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