Thursday, October 8, 2009

Blogtoberfest/Quote of the Week

My friend Tresa, the fabulously talented Stamp Goddess, is challenging everyone to participate in "Blogtoberfest!" Now, I hope you're asking yourself, "What is Blogtoberfest?" It's a month-long celebration of sharing and teaching. The Stamp Goddess is challenging herself and others to share as often as possible throughout the month of October with tips, techniques and tutorials.

I decided that this sounded like a fun bandwagon to jump on. I am going to try to post every day, though I'm not sure I will get a tip, technique, or tutorial in each day. Are you on board? If so, leave us a comment so we can go check you out. ;)

Today's "tip" could lead to some great journaling:
Good judgment comes from experience, and often experience comes from bad judgment.
~Rita Mae Brown

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