Friday, October 9, 2009

Fall Photos/TGIF

The leaves are starting to turn here and there's a definitely chill to the air. Here are a few final photos from our trip to the corn maze that I thought were too pretty (or at least interesting) not to share.

Today is the last day of school before FALL BREAK (!!!!!) so hopefully the kids and I can control ourselves, get our work done, and get outta here!

Most days I do love my job, but this has been quite a week. TGIF! That reminds me of one of my favorite blonde jokes, but I'll have to save that one for another day. ;)

Be sure to scroll down and read my post about Mary's giveaway if you haven't already, then go give her some birthday wishes. Just be sure to tell her I sent her, okay?


Did I mention it's FRIDAY?!?


  1. Great pictures Hayley! I LOVE corn mazes. It is definitely fall here...CHILLY!

  2. That definitely looks like fall in the GA Alps!


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