Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Frugal Organization

Organizing Your Way is a great blog that I found. If you know me then you know I need help in this area! I am extremely well organized in a few things, but the rest... Anyway, check out some suggestions for some frugal craft storage ideas.

Please share your favorite organizing tip here by leaving a comment! It can be crafty (or not). Anything that makes your life easier and helps it run smoother is something I'd like to learn about. Thanks!

(I will have an original post all of my own in the near future. Until then, enjoy cruising some fun sites!)


  1. I have to say anything that holds or organizes tools works for crafters and is wayyy cheaper! I bought some thing that is supposed to hold screws and things and it stacks and mounts to the wall...with all these drawers from Walmart for $10...the same thing cost $30-$40 at craft stores. My other score was also at Walmart and it was in their kitchen section and it was called a junk drawer organizer...less than $7 and it holds ALL my 'have to have right there' stuff...just love it. I will have to take pics and post on my blog. Thanks for the link Hayley.

  2. Baskets everywhere! Somehow 'junk' looks better when it is inside a basket.

    Do you belong to lots of committees? Use a different canvas tote bag for each one and keep all the *stuff* inside so it stays in ONE PLACE...and is always ready to take with you.

    Now I gonna check out that blog! Thanks, honey...


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