Friday, October 30, 2009

Quote of the Week/Scrapbook Challenge

God writes the gospel not in the Bible alone, but on trees and flowers and clouds and stars. ~Martin Luther

The natural world around us is so inspiring to me. Both of these pictures were taken from my classroom this week. I know, rough isn't it? How bad could a day at the "office" be when you can look out at this scenery? (Winter can be a bit blah, but the mountains are interesting no matter what the weather.)
I challenge you to find a handful of pictures that go well with this quote and use them (photos & quote) on a scrapbook layout. If you complete the challenge and post your layout online, link to it here in the comments, okay?

1 comment:

  1. That view is pretty tough to take:-) My maple tree outside in my office view was looking so pretty a couple of days ago...going from its yellow, to orange, with promise of brighter hues. So I was waiting to take another photo of it, but now it is almost totally bare and I am sad. I wasn't ready for that stage just yet, but it proves that I am not the one in charge of the palette.


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