Sunday, October 4, 2009

Saturday & Sunday Stuff

Believe it or not, there is more to my life than stamping/scrapbooking. I share a lot of that (the stamping/scrapbooking) here because I'm comfortable sharing it with the world. I'm a pretty private person, and don't dare to bare all here in cyberspace (or anywhere else!). I figure my kids deserve their privacy (although I will shamelessly exploit them on a scrapbook page if it's not TOO personal). Today, however, I thought I would share just a little bit about the real us.
Yesterday was our church's 25th anniversary. I've been involved for the past 23 years, so it was a big deal. We had a lovely service over which the bishop presided, followed by a scrumptions luncheon. It was wonderful to visit with friends and members past and present. Our 60-something-page commemorative booklet was a labor of love (just ask my Mom!) highlighting our history.

Since it was such a gorgeous day, we decided to take the girls to the local corn maze. It was a lot more fun that I had expected!

Today was Children's Sabbath at our church, and the girls both had big roles. Macey was a torchbearer, which she is used to doing, but she also read a lesson in front of the entire congregation. I was so proud of her, and she did a beautiful job. Ansley served as acolyte at the altar (something I remember all too well from my tween/teen years too) and also read the psalm and the Prayers of the People. Seeing them in leadership roles is exciting yet at the same time a bit frightening, because I am not read for them to grow up!

Now it's time to do laundry and other chores, like getting ready for the final class of my 2nd reading endorsement class tomorrow night. Ahh, Sundays...

1 comment:

  1. I refuse ot believe there is more toyour life than just scrapbooking. There shouldn't be!
    But then what would you scrapbook about?


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