Saturday, December 26, 2009

Avid Reader

You may have noticed in my profile that I claim to be an avid reader, yet have never posted anything here about reading (except for my reading endorsement class). I truly LOVE to read! I read for pleasure; it is one of the ways that I decompress and destress. I love how a book can take me places I've never been or would never go.

I just finished reading the 6th Women's Murder Mystery (The 6th Target) by James Patterson. I like this series because the main character, Lindsay Boxer, is a "chick in charge." Because she is a San Francisco police officer, each book has several cases in them. These are not all "happily ever after" and seem pretty real.

Mystery is just one genre that I like to read, but it's what I seem to be reading the most of lately. I have read several of Patterson's Alex Cross series, but I had to take a break. They just weren't working for me. I recently read my first Stuart Wood on my brother's recommendation; when the library reopens next week I'll go back for more. I could not finish Martha Grimes' Stargazey. It was just too boring, and life is too short. (I used to have to finish any book that I started, but seriously, life is too short and I have way too much to do.) I have an M.C. Beaton waiting for me that my 11-year-old read from our church's lending library. She liked it and said I would too. (She's currently re-reading Twilight that she got for Christmas.)

Who is your favorite author? I really need some new stuff to read!


  1. I love to read too. And I have read almost all of James Patterson's books. His earlier books are much more enjoyable than the more recent ones.

    For mystery books, I highly recommend Dan Brown - The DeVinci Code got a lot of press, but I really liked his first book, Angels & Demons even better. However, I have read everything he's written and they are all good stories.

    And if you want to try something a bit different, I always recommend Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series (title of first book is Outlander; there are 7 total now). It sounds strange, the story is about a time-traveling woman from the 1940's to the 1700's in Scotland. She does fall in love with a Scotsman, but the story is not just a romance novel - it is more historical fiction with a lot of adventure, and a bit of fantasy.

  2. I like the fluff of a romance novel. Nothing too graphic though. That should be kept private as far as I am concerned. I also like some mysteries. I too am reading the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. I am in book 5 - The Fiery Cross. This book has 1441 pages in it and that is typical of her books. My hands hurt after reading for awhile. Happy hunting.

  3. I hope you guys are all feeling better Hayley.
    I LOVE to read but I am a fantasy gal...I have read Lord of The rings SO many times.
    Tad Williams is an amazing writer and I just LOVE his work. I have also read the Dan Brown books and they are a fun read.

  4. Mysteries, historical romance...the cereal box if nothing else is in front of me. I've gotten over 200 books logged onto Shelfari already, and I'm not done. And these are mainly the books I've read in the last 5-6 years! Wish I had started keeping my list much sooner...

  5. I don't read as much as I used to - but I would list the Tolkien works and the Rowling books in my #1 and #2 all-time favorites. Not just for children.

    I love "light murder" - such as the "The Cat Who" series . . . friends have tried to get me to read the Janet Evanovich (spl?) series, but the language is just too offensive for me. I can't read really scary murder mysteries as they give me nightmares!

    Thanks for asking - it's neat to see what others like to read!

  6. I couldn't resist offering my opinion as well - right now I am reading books by Lisa See. Current book is Snow Flower and the Secret Fan. Check it out.


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