Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Final Reading Class

Tonight is my final class of my 3rd and final reading endorsement course. This course has been a TON of work. I just hope at this point everything is up to par and I will be D-O-N-E. (And yes, Brian, D for "done" is fine by me, especially since this is basically a pass/fail kind of thing anyway!) The good news is that I will be a reading specialist (nope, no more moola in that). The better news is that I will have enough credits for recertification, and I don't renew again until 2013. (In GA, teacher certification is good for five years, and you have to earn the equivalent of 100 hours of course work every five years.) Doin' the happy dance about that!
Fortunately, my sweet husband will pick up the girls from school and his mom is taking Miss A to her dance class.
Have I told you lately how much I love my job? Friday a kid was sent home with lice; Monday, another kid threw up- on the carpet of course- so I am a bit frightened of what today will bring. Although, since I am a teacher, it's hard to scare me. No, I truly do love my job, but there are days when you just have to shake your head. I should have started writing a book looong ago!
Okay, thanks for letting me vent. Enjoy whatever you're doing today. If life hands you lemons, be sure to make lemonade (or margaritas)! A little celebrating may be in order tonight after class!


  1. D for Done is a good thing! I know you will be glad when it's all over, and Yay for being certified for the next 5 years!

  2. My Mom (miss her so much!) was a Reading Specialist - I think that's like a masters degree in reading education. She believed so strongly that reading is the foundation of, well, everything. Congratulations on your achievement - it is hard work and especially at this busy time in both life and season.


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