Friday, December 18, 2009

Last Day of School!

Today is our last day of school before Christmas! Yesterday was wild so I can't wait to see what today brings! (Yesterday was my class party, this morning is Macey's, and Ansley's is this afternoon.) When I got up this morning, I was thrilled to think that this is my last day (for a while) of being a slave to my alarm clock.

We have a fun weekend planned. I am going to get my Christmas cards finished and mailed and hopefully also get all the presents wrapped. How are you doing on getting your Christmas "chores" completed? I LOVE this time of year!

Here's a peek at the girls after Sunday night's Advent Lessons & Carols service.


  1. Best of luck with finishing everything. I still hoping to get all cards done tomorrow - I have most of the shopping done, probably 3/4 of things wrapped - but the TREE still isn't up and my helper (my son) has gone to FL to work until Tuesday! So I'm thinking the artificial tree I got for my dad's house may be my tree this year. Especially if the weather is nasty tomorrow.

  2. Oh, and I love that picture, even if I did cut off the very top of Ansley's hair!

  3. Sounds like a fun busy couple of days! Oh, and thanks for sharing the link to Brae's site - I posted those last year (and used to make them growing up) so they are lots of fun!

  4. They are gorgeous Hayley!!!
    I bet you are glad to be all done for a couple of weeks. Take care and enjoy those mornings!


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