Tuesday, February 23, 2010

50th Anniversary Card

After 12+ hours at work today, I am tired! We had a parent night tonight, so there was lots to do: get a power point presentation and handout ready with my team of teachers and present it tonight. No, we didn't do all that today; we've been working on it for a while. Today was just one of those days that didn't make sense to go home to turn around and come back. With our crummy weather, if I'd gone home I wouldn't have wanted to get back out! Can you believe they're calling for snow again tomorrow?

Our session was about the reading portion of the state-mandated end-of-year tests that all 5th graders must pass, along with the math portion, to be promoted to 6th. It seemed to go well. I plan to sign off the computer shortly and watch some Olympics before turning in early.

Since I haven't had time to create, I'm glad I still have a few projects that I haven't shared yet. This anniversary card was so much fun to make! Remember, the Piece of Cake stamp set is only available until Sunday.

Originals "Button Trio" 6"x6" card

Techniques: heat embossing, direct-to-paper ink distressing

Supplies from Close To My Heart: Silhouette paper pack; Bamboo textured card stock (Hope for Haiti!); gold card stock (retired); Piece of Cake (Feb. stamp of the month), Say It In Style, and The Works stamp sets; Versamark ink; gold embossing powder; heat tool; gold conchos and square brad (retired)

OTHER: gold (Offray?) ribbon from my stash; NEW Martha Stewart scallop dot punch (40% off!)


  1. OH my!!!! You didn't emboss that in gold did you???? It is FABULOUS!

  2. A very WOW card! I'm sure the recipients appreciated it...or at least Diane did! Big hugs...


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