Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Band Concert Recap

Just had to share a few photos from the 6th grade band concert last week. I sure am proud of my girl!

Thank you Grammie, Aunt Amy, da boyz, and Joan for coming! We were all amazed that they played so well.

The three musketeers?

Aren't these two cute too? :)

On a personal note, our church is searching for a new priest. I serve on the vestry, which is like the governing body, and we will be interviewing our first candidate tonight (and the 2nd one one Thursday evening). This is an exciting but stressful time! Please say a special prayer for us. Thanks!


  1. They did sound good. And looked cute, too. Can't beat that!

    I am definitely praying for that new priest. Big time.

  2. Great pictures - I hated missing that concert! When is the dance recital, btw? SURELY I won't get anything in my eye that day! Prayers for you and the vestry in your search process. Hugs!

  3. I was in band as a "yungin'" and I loved the experience. It really taught some excellent lessons about responsibility, teamwork, courage.

    I will keep you in my prayers regarding the search for a new pastor. It's an exciting and difficult time.



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