Saturday, September 25, 2010

Big Picture Scrapbooking Is Now...

Big Picture Classes
...BIG PICTURE CLASSES, which so reflects what they are all about. This is one of my favorite online learning centers, so go check it out today. If you sign up for a class, we'll both get some extra credit! :) They also have several free classes, so give one a try. You won't be disappointed!

On the home front, we have a busy day today! The girls are running in their second race, a 1 mile race in our town. Hopefully the home field advantage will help them. Then we'll swing by church to check out the Trash & Treasures sale (aka Clare's Fare). The grocery store is another stop because we're having friends over for dinner tonight. Have a super Saturday with whatever is on your agenda!

1 comment:

  1. My agenda included a lot of YOUR agenda, and I'm thinking a nap might be in out the link later...zzzz


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