Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Our Technology {Studio J Layout Share}

It took some time to gather all the pictures, but I really wanted to create a layout about the technology that we use in our daily lives. You may think that's a crazy subject, but how many of you remember your first cell phone? Was it in a bag that there was no way you could lug around? Or what about that cordless phone? Nobody makes phones that big anymore! I imagine that we will look back one day and laugh over the gadgets we love right now. (I probably should have added the microwave, dishwasher, etc., but I didn't think about them at the time.)
My two favorite photos are of my nephew on the iPad (I think he can operate it better than me!) and of my older daughter on the couch. What a teenager!
What modern technology would you hate to live without?

1 comment:

  1. I have a cute photo of the wee boys on the cruise in our stateroom, one on my iPad and the other on my iPhone:) At 3 and 5, they are very techno savvy, as are both your girls. Precious...


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