Monday, March 11, 2013

Go Green with Heart 2 Heart Challenges!

In honor of St. Patrick's Day (which will be here before you know it), Heart 2 Heart Challenges is encouraging you to Go GREEN!  Yes, we know that you can interpret that as a color challenge OR as a recycling/upcyling/repurposing kind of challenge too.  Interpret it how you like, but remember to use some Close To My Heart products in whatever you create.

In the spirit of going green, I do not have a new project for you but am instead sharing a few "oldies but goodies" that you might have missed the first time or around (or that you just might enjoy again- I know that I sure am).  Also, we are about to undergo a major home remodel and are in the process of boxing up our house to move out so I don't have any crafty time right now.  I hope you enjoy this walk down memory lane as much as I did!

Can you tell that I love the color green? If you have questions about any of the projects, feel free to ask in the comments and I'll get back to you! 

If you haven't already seen what our fabulous Design Team made, be sure to go check them out on the H2H blog!  You can link up your project(s) there and take part in some March Madness too!


  1. Wow, Haley! Love all the 'green' projects from the past! But don't you think it might have been quicker just to create something new since it probably took just as long to find all these older projects to post? LOL Seriously, it was great to see them all - some I had missed! Thanks for posting them all!

  2. Well, you know green is my fave color, so I enjoyed re-visiting all these creations.

    Good luck with all that packing...and moving...whew!

  3. I enjoyed seeing these, too - and I have a few just like them, at least some of them.

  4. You are toooo talented!! Love all your projects!

  5. LOVE all the green, Haley! My mom's favorite color is green :0)

  6. I LOVE everything! Thanks for posting all those beautiful items.


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