Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Update 3/19

If you've been thinking that I've been blogging less, you're absolutely right!  We are undertaking a major home remodel and are in the process of moving out of our house.  Yikes is right!
One project I've worked on is getting my scrapbook layouts organized and in albums.  I still have a long way to go, but here are my older DD's albums all boxed up.  I can't say that I'm caught up, but I've made a lot of progress!

Speaking of progress, my DH had two young fellows helping him today, so they completely moved everything out of the living room, except the necessities like the TV and internet/wifi "stuff."  Don't you like how Miss M made a pallet on the floor to enjoy her show?  (This is the view from our hallway toward the living room.)

At left (literally, from the same vantage point in the hallway) is our playroom/office area.  All the furniture is gone, but I still have lots to box up and move.  At least progress is being made.  (I think DH would have us live as if we were homeless if it were up to him!)
As you can see, I have little crafty time- for now.  (I do have some Studio J layouts to share soon however!)  I hope your spring will be peaceful!  I will update the blog as I can, and once we get settled in our rental I'll be able to craft again to my heart's content (when I'm not helping out on the remodel, that is).  Please keep my family in your prayers!  Thanks so much!
Inky hugs from me to you!


  1. I love that Miss M...and the progress y'all have made. Good luck...

  2. Thank heavens for Studio J while your craft stuff is all packed up. I managed to get some layouts made during the $5 special, it was fun. Good luck with the packing and moving out!


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