Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Like Mother, Like Daughters {Layout Share}

One of my goals for the summer is to get my scrapbooks in order and to work on some of our older pictures.  (Many of you know that we are remodeling our house, so in the process of moving out, I've gotten most of the photos organized and the layouts organized, so now the task is to get the layouts in albums and to have fun scrapping.)

I have really been wanting to make a layout with these pictures of my mom, my sister, and me.  Since there is such a wide variety of colors in the photos, I have struggled with how to tie them all together.  Can you believe how well the Dream Pop papers go with them?  I am so pleased with how the layout turned out!

These photos are from 1980!  I used the Dream Pop promo layout as a guide for this page.  I had to use the elephant print since my sister loves elephants!  (Our yellow and green outfits sport snails, by the way.  We were way too cool!)
The right page uses a Triple Play sketch from Reflections.  I kept it fairly simple since the colors in the photos make them kind of busy.  I stamped my title with the (retired) Chocolate Small alphabet in Slate.  I couldn't resist cutting out three elephants to embellish the layout.  I used  a variety of self-adhesive pearls and Stardust glitter glitz gel to glam up our girly layout.  Also, a little washi tape helps to hold things together.

Now, the next step is to photograph the layouts and upload them to Studio J so that I can order a copy for my mom and for my sister!  (I am going to have to borrow a camera with a higher resolution, but this WILL work!)


  1. Love, love this...and my two girls! Boy, am I blessed. These pages are definitely eye popping beautiful. This is a great way to chronicle our age progression that the grands will treasure...forevah! Smiles...

  2. Love your layouts. The papers are awesome and seem to really go well with your theme. I love the Dream Pop. haven't used mine yet. Working up to it for a special project I have in mind.
    Thanks for sharing your talents~Sandra V. http://OhMyScraps2U.blogspot.com


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