Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Product Highlight: Flip Flaps (& Christmas Eve Layout)

This layout was so much fun to make!  I used my favorite (free) photo collage app (LiveCollage) to add two photos to a 4"x6" frame so that they printed as two 3"x4" photos and 3"x4" flip flaps to add 19 photos{Layout 3/52} to my two-page Christmas Eve layout!

Continuing this year's Christmas theme, I used the Snowy Wonders/Snowy Days suite of products.  I showcased the pretty DSP with the houses and the snow globe with the cabin in honor of my sister's beautiful snow village.  (She was the gracious hostess of our big Christmas Eve family gathering.)

Here are the first set of flip flaps opened (but not yet adhered; the white strips at the bottom are pulled off to actually adhere them to the project; see the video link, below).

And here is the second set of flip flaps opened.

If you’d like to see a video of how to use flip flaps (AKA in action), click HERE.  They come in a variety of sizes to add lots of photos (or layers) to any project!

{Layout 4/52}

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