Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve

Tonight was a wonderful, traditional Christmas Eve. Both girls along w/Ansley's best friend (who was "on loan" from the Catholic church) and the other children at church put on a beautiful nativity pageant that JC wrote and directed. (She definitely earned some stars in her crown for this feat!) Ansley played the Angel Gabriel while Macey (believe it or not) played Mary. The audience thought they were perfect, but you know our little devil, I mean, daughter #2! She saw Ms. Debbie in the pew behind us with the video camera, so she was sure to make sure to smile for the camera. As she walked past her Daddy, she stuck her tongue out at him!

We went to my parents' house following the service for our traditional Christmas Eve fest: dinner and presents! I think we all had the most fun watching Alex play with the dumptruck we got him (and of course play in the box).

Hope you've been good 'cause Santa Claus is comin' tonight!!!

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