Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a good night!

What a wonderful Christmas! Except for DH having caught the stomach bug I suffered this weekend, today was delightful. The girls woke us up a bit after 7:00. Miss M. was thrilled and a bit shocked when she whispered to me, "Santa DID come!" She has definitely been worried, with good reason. The grandparents and uncles came over for my traditional Christmas breakfast. They must like me doing this meal each year because everyone raved about how delicious everything was. (Mom has always said that anything, even a PB&J, is better when someone else fixes it!)

The girls and I played the Harry Potter Scene It game that Santa brought. I'm going to have to watch the movies again to keep up with Miss A. So far we're tied, but (don't tell her!) I don't think it'll last. So what if I've read all 7 books and seen all 5 movies! Uncle Brian got us the 5th movie that we'll watch tomorrow so she will match the movies with the books she's read. I won't be surprised if she starts and finishes the 6th one by New Year's.

The grand finale was dinner at Uncle Reid's- he gets my vote for next year because he can cook! Presents with Daddy's family was lots of fun even if Daddy didn't feel well enough to be there. :(

It has been such a pleasure to celebrate the reason for the season with family and friends and to watch the delight on the children's faces during this magical time. Many blessings to you and yours from all of us! Merry Christmas!

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