Sunday, December 7, 2008

On the seventh day of Christmas...

Candles are such a beautiful home accent, and you can make them even prettier with a few simple touches.

The candle from yesterday was easy to wrap with Background & Texture paper, ribbon, layered stamped images, and a brad. All I needed was my trusty Bonding Memories glue, some glue dots, and a few pop dots. (See the post from the fourth day for a link to purchase your own. Yep, a shameless plug for sales! ;) What can I say?)

Try adding rubons to further personalize your gift.

You can also stamp on tissue paper, then use your heat tool to melt the tissue paper to the candle. (Wrap it with waxed paper before you heat it up.)

DH is making me write a disclaimer: NEVER LEAVE A BURNING CANDLE UNATTENDED!

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