Saturday, December 6, 2008

On the sixth day of Christmas...

Use your supplies to make some home decor! Rather than create a framed scrapbook page (another great idea you'll see later this week), what about framed art? My bloggin' friend Elaine combed thrift stores to find some very inexpensive frames- never mind the ugly "art" they held- and redecorated them to suit her decor. My frame wasn't quite as thrifty, but was still a good buy at a local dollar store.

The other items will be featured separately in upcoming posts... Merry 6th day of Christmas!


  1. I'm having fun catching up reading all your great projects! Hugs, honey...xoxoxoxoxo

  2. wow I like all of them!

    I have 2 naked candles!
    I am taking the word gifts class at big picture you taking anything lately?


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