Saturday, January 24, 2009


Why parents should check over their kids' homework before they turn it in (and I say "check over" not check every single problem):

A young girl handed in the drawing below for a homework assignment.

After it was graded and the child brought it home, she returned to school the next day with the following note:

Dear Ms. Davis,

I want to be very clear on my child's illustration. It is NOT of me on a dance pole on a stage in a strip joint. I work at Home Depot and had commented to my daughter how much money we made in the recent snowstorm. This photo is of me selling a shovel.

Mrs. Harrington

Friday, January 23, 2009

Quote of the Week

When you aim for perfection, you discover it's a moving target. ~George Fisher

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Longaberger Spring Basket

Check out my new "endeavor" at and to see Wednesday's Online Only special on the Spring Basket.

On Wednesday, January 21 only, you will have the exclusive opportunity to save up to 40% on the ever-popular Spring Basket and pay just $34. Or, you can save even more by purchasing two for just $60! This classic basket makes any task more portable, from serving muffins to paying bills to cleaning the home.

Sorry I couldn't get the picture to load!

Quote of the Week

This quote couldn't have come at a better time. No matter how you feel about today's inauguration, President Obama ran on a platform of change, and we can all make a difference.

"'I must do something' always solves more problems than 'Something must be done'." ~Author Unknown


Today is our first snow day! They called school off last night because of the ice on some of the roads and for the 1/2" or so of snow. It doesn't seem to have snowed anymore in the night, though more is forecasted today. (Truth be told, I wish we were at school so we wouldn't have to make up this day. Yesterday was a day off after all. Thankfully I don't have to make that tough call. What if someone got hurt trying to get to school? I definitely understand why we're out and will enjoy the day to its fullest!)

How will you spend today? We will be watching the inauguration between playing in the snow.

Monday, January 19, 2009

It's Milk Day!

The other day, one of our students asked what the "Milk Day" holiday was for. To celebrate all things dairy, of course!

We have the day off, so we are enjoying being inside on this cold day. I need to get off the 'puter and do some chores... How are you enjoying the day?

Friday, January 16, 2009

Winning Artwork

Here is my photo of my first place winner. I {almost} kept it for myself!

Way To Go!

This message greeted me in my inbox this morning from a fellow CTMH consultant. (Hey, Katy!)

What? Way to go?!? I could not believe my eyes! I WON A CTMH ARTWORK CONTEST!!!!! I hurriedly clicked on over to, then moused over "Ideas & Training," then scrolled down and clicked Featured Artwork.

Do you see it? Mine's the one on the right there. Feel free to click on it if you'd like.

That's right- FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was my first contest entry, and I won! Besides the fame and glory (LOL), I am also to receive $100 in select CTMH product credit. I can't wait to shop!!!

I am so stoked this morning! What a way to start a long weekend. Oh wait a minute, I better finish getting ready for work at my real job. It is a bitter 8 degrees this morning.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Quote of the Week

If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders. ~Abigail Van Buren

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Scrapbooker's Dictionary

By Heather Dewaelsche, from Chicken Soup for the Scrapbooker’s Soul.

Archival Safe: A locked container for scrapbook supplies.

Chocolate: Food for thought.

Crafty: What a woman should be in order to hide scrapbook purchases from her husband.

Creative Juices: Beverages consumed while Scrapbooking.

Crop: (verb) To remove all the dirty dishes, piles of clothes and other household clutter from photos. (noun) A get together where scrapbookers eat, drink, socialize and occasionally complete a page layout.

Die Cut: A Scrapbooking injury caused by a craft knife, scissors or other sharp object.

Enlargement: What needs to be done to every scrapbooker’s workspace.

Homemade: What every scrapbooker needs so they can spend more time Scrapbooking and less time cleaning.

Layout: What photos, papers and embellishments do on a scrapbooker’s table for hours (sometimes days) at a time.

Page Protector: A scrapbooker with young children.

Paper Punch: What a scrapbooker does when she realizes the paper she is using is not true 12 x 12 inches. (see Twelve by Twelve.)

Photo Opportunity: A sale at a camera store.

Precious Moments: Time spent scrapbooking.

Reprints: What’s left behind after little fingers touch your photos over and over again.

Scrapbook Retreat: When you walk away from a scrapbook layout in progress for a period of time so as to better evaluate it upon returning.

Scrapbook Store: What you do with the album you bought just because it looked so cute.

Spray Adhesive: What a scrapbooker should do when she finds a good man who supports her hobby.

Trimmer: What a scrapbooking hobby makes your wallet.

Twelve by Twelve (12 x 12) Inches: Size of paper that is anywhere from 11.75” x 11.75” to 12.25” x 12.25” but rarely 12” x 12”.

Un-Du: An imaginary button you wish you could press when you make a mistake on your scrapbook layout.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Quote of the Week

In this time of new year's resolutions and goal setting, this quote is especially significant:

Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending. ~Author Unknown

Sunday, January 4, 2009

You're Invited!

Drop in this Saturday, 1/10, from 2:00-5:00 (at my house) to create your very own desk calendar! This adorable (if I do say so myself!) free-standing calendar measures 6"x6" and will sit on your desk or countertop. I'll have a few other paper selections and stamps to choose from.

Bring a friend!

I'll also have the new Spring 2009 Close To My Heart Idea Books available plus some other fun products on display. Come by now, ya hear?

Saturday, January 3, 2009

January Stamp of the Month: Moments in Time

The January stamp of the month, Moments in Time, is so versatile! This set of 47 stamps will create mini calendars for any month of any year.

The artwork shown here was created by talented CTMH consultants across the country. (You can click on each photo to find the person's name in the file name.) LMK if you have any questions about anything shown here!

We all used the That's Amore paper pack. These romantic papers include Chocolate, Tulip, Blush, and Garden Green.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hoppin' John

"Hoppin' John" on New Year's Day is an old Southern tradition. Granddad Ralph always fixed hog jowls, greens (turnip or collard), black-eyed peas, and rice. I always had my "Windy Wood Bite"* because those are NOT my faves. He said that it was important to eat them for health and wealth for the upcoming year.

In keeping with tradition, BJ fixed us collards, black-eyed peas with ham, rice, and cornbread (plus mac & cheese). Since we couldn't remember what represented what, I googled hoppin' John to find out that supposedly the peas represented coins and the greens represent $$. No health was mentioned anywhere, but I did find peace. At least we can think positive thoughts, and beans are good for you, right?

I thought this quote signifies the day:
Eat poor that day, eat rich the rest of the year. Rice for riches and peas for peace.
~ Southern saying on eating a dish of Hoppin' John on New Year's Day.

How did you spend the first day of the new year?

*When I attened Camp Windy Wood for many, many summers, we had to take a bite of everything at each meal, hence the term "Windy Wood Bite." I made the mistake of telling my parents about it so they adopted the tradition, too.

Happy 2009!

May life be fine in 2009! Wishing you the very best life has to offer. May you be healthy and happy and find yourself with more than you need.

Cyber hugs and best wishes!