Saturday, May 24, 2008

Last Day of School

It's hard to believe that yesterday was the last day of school (for the kids). It is always bittersweet to me. Excitement that summer is around the corner, but sadness that my "babies" are moving on. As I told my class, they'll always hold a special place in my heart, but I've done my job and they're ready to move on.

The girls were both SAD that the year was ending. Miss M even cried about missing her teachers already. Miss A was excited to meet her teacher for next year. (Can you believe we'll be in the same grade? She'll be two doors down, but since we're in a corner she'll be very close. I guess we're ready for that!)

I had two extremely touching moments that brought beautiful closure to my 15th year teaching: One boy, now finishing 8th grade, stopped by to see me as he has every Christmas and end of the year since I taught him in 5th to give me a card and a little gift to say "thank you." Another young man came by- totally unexpected- with a beautiful potted flower and a card to say thank you also, and he graduated last night. WOW.

So, if you have a teacher out there who made a difference in your life, say thank you to him or her! Teachers aren't in it for the money, and those two little words can really make a difference. If it weren't for some great teachers in my life, I would never have chosen this profession myself. Thank you to teachers everywhere!

1 comment:

  1. Amen, honey. I know you are a GREAT's in your genes for sure. It is still nice to get those thank yous.....and to watch all your babies grow up! ly...xoxoxo


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