Saturday, June 20, 2009

Reading Endorsement

Today has been an incredibly gorgeous day, and I am stuck inside working on my reading endorsement class. Yes, I'm whining, so go ahead and move on to something else! The girls spent the night w/BJ last night so I'm trying to use my time without them wisely, but I am sick of this class! This one is the first of three, and then I'll have my reading endorsement tacked on to my teacher certification. This first one is also supposed to be the most difficult, so I hope that is true! I promise this will be my only post complaining about this course. At least I have the annual potluck at the RV park to look forward to for the evening. I am planning to take the evening "off," at least from school work. Okay, back to school work for a bit longer...

1 comment:

  1. Just suck it up and get it DONE! It's OK to whine occasionally:-)


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