Logan, I love you with all my heart. Thank you for being my partner and friend. I look forward to many, many, many more years together. Thank you for all you do.
Okay, enough of the mushy stuff. Neither one of us like PDAs (public displays of affection). For our anniversary, I am in Washington DC at the Close To My Heart convention, while Logan and the girls stay home. (I sure do miss them!) Is he a good husband or what? 

Here is what we got each other for our anniversary:
This was not exactly the type of cruise we were talking about this spring, but it will be so much fun to have our own pontoon boat. It's nothing fancy nor new, but we know we'll enjoy it. See Logan on the back working on the engine? Hopefully he can get it running smoothly before I get back, but if not that's okay too. I love you, honey!
What a wonderful anniversary present! You two (and the girls) will really enjoy that boat. Hugs and Happy Anniversary!